Thursday, January 28, 2010

Britain's Piercing Story

Britain finally decided to get her ears pierced this last weekend. She was set to do it 3 years ago and went with her sister who was begging me to pierce her ears. Brooklyn, being the most excited of the two went first and cried, Britain took one look at that and said no way!! Well, than Sydney decided a year and half ago that she wanted earrings, and so we took her and Britain (just in case she had changed her mine) Sydney cried for a minute and was fine, but Britain would have none of it. She told me that when she was 6 she would get it done, and then it was 8, and eventually 18!! We told her that it was up to her and whenever she was ready to let us know and we would take her. Well, last week a friend in school got hers done and came in bragging that it didn't hurt and she didn't cry! So, miss Britain came to me and decided that she was ready, so we went Saturday afternoon, we picked up her friend Izzy and planned for ice cream afterwords. We got there, she picked out her earrings, sat in the chair, and started crying that she couldn't do it. Oh what is a parent to do.... I slowly talked her through it and she did it with quite a few tears!!! She thinks they are soo pretty and glad that she did it "even if it did hurt a little"!


Tammy said...

Britain- your earrings are the best ever. Uncle Sal and I are proud of you!

My name is Breanna... said...

Yeah Britain, You look so pretty!