Thursday, January 28, 2010

CAPTAIN 100!!!!!!!!

For the girls 100th day of school E.D. thought it would be fun to put together a costume and go into the class rooms to celebrate with the kids! He came up with Captain 100!! It was a blast putting together his costume and visiting classes at the school!!! When he checked in at the Office the ladies thought he was the coolest thing ever and told me I had to get them pictures for the Year Book!!! The kids where surprised to see a super hero come to their classrooms. He asked the kids questions and then we had little prizes for everyone. For Britain's class I made book marks with 100 on them and later that day her teacher had them all write letters to Captain 100 thanking him for coming in. It was pretty cool to read all their letters! I think my favorite one said "thank you Captain 100 for coming to our classroom, I liked my bookmark, but I know your SUPER HERO IDENTITY-it is Britain's Dad!"


Kiera said...

way too cute! ED is a great dad, but you already knew that!

Lisa said...

that's awesome! every year on the
100th day of school andrew dresses up as zero the hero for the lower grades...complete with a cape with zeros all over it, sunglasses and a baseball hat :) i think it's pretty stinkin' funn!

Tricia said...

HIlarious! Go E.D.!

Tammy said...

That's my nephew! I always knew he was a strange one...LOL. E.D. you are the best Dad ever. I'm so proud of you and "your girls" (Mary included, of course).