Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Bad Tooth!

Brooklyn has unfortunately inherited my bad teeth and after a check-up at the dentist office found out that she had several cavities that needed to be fixed. She was a brave little soul going into have her teeth worked on especially after seeing her big sister come out bawling the week before after getting her teeth worked on. She did not want to drink the medicine they needed her too and I thought I was going to have to pry her mouth open, but she eventually did it (thanks to bribes of picking a movie and getting a toy by the dental hygienist). She was soon a limp rag doll in my lap and I carried her into the chair, and told her I would see her soon. I was reading a book to Sydney in the lobby praying it would go quickly when the dentist came out and told me that he was going to have to pull one of her teeth that was too decade to fix. I was not expecting that, and fought the urge to call one of my dental hygienist friends to see if this was normal or if I should run into the back and save my little girl from pure torture! Luckily Sydney was there to distract me with needs of hunger and I was able to get a grip and pray for calmness. It was over before I new it and they told me she did great and that I could take her home. She came out crying that the dentist took her tooth and she didn't know why. She couldn't walk yet, so I carried her to the car telling her it was going to be ok and now she was going to get a visit from the tooth fairy! She recovered pretty quickly and before long was starving and wanting food and talking about the tooth fairy coming. All was well again until the next morning when she came in crying that the tooth fairy didn't come-feeling horrible I told her that it was a very bad storm during the night and she wasn't able to fly in it, but for sure she would make it that night. Let me tell you the tooth fairy went above and beyond that night and made a little girl very happy when she woke up and found books and money at 4am in the morning!!

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