Friday, September 11, 2009

First Day of School!

Here are some first day of school pictures. Britain started 2nd grade this year. She was very happy to find out that her friend Isabelle was in her class again, they were in both Kindergarten and 1st grade together, and have become good friends. Brooklyn started Kindergarten and has the same teacher that Britain had, she is having a lot fun being able to socialize with new people. It is neat to see the difference between the two, we always have to ask Britain about her day before she starts to tell us, before we get to the car with Brooklyn she is chattering about everything she learned and heard for the day. She loves the singing, coloring, and learning how to read. Sydney, is loving her special time with mom and so am I.

1 comment:

My name is Breanna... said...

Hey Mary,

I remember that bench:):):)

Your girls look so grown up and cute!

Hope this is a great year for you guys!

I miss BC

Love to you all,