Friday, September 11, 2009

Camping Trip

Before the girls started school we were able to get away for a long weekend to camp on the Oregon's coast in Brookings. It was a fun trip to make memories and start a few Schneider camping traditions that the girls will look forward to on our future camping trips. We went crabbing for the first time and only lost one child off the pier-Sydney was helping daddy kick the crabs back in the water and kicked a little too hard and flew right off the pier into the ocean, mom and dad moved very quickly to pull her out. We almost came home with a new pet-Pete the Pelican, he joined us on the pier and decided that he wanted to hang out with us for the afternoon. The girls and I thought we should bring him home but he eventually flew away. We had fun going to the tide pools, playing at the beach, and rosting hotdogs!

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