Saturday, July 11, 2009

Our 4th of July

After a big wind storm blew all of our cans and bottles we recycle all over the back yard, E.D. told the girls if they helped him pick them up they could have the money to buy something. They were great little helpers and after turning in the cans and bottles they had enough money (with a litte help) to each buy a new webkin. We hit the mall and they were so cute picking out what they wanted-Britain picked hers out in two minutes, Sydney close behind her, Brooklyn about a half hour of looking and thinking and coming back to look again finally decided on hers. It was a very rewarding day for them and they were so proud that they earned their money to buy something. We had a great 4th of July. We had a BBQ at a friends house were the girls got to set off sparklers and then we went and saw the fireworks. I don't know if the girls had more fun watching the fireworks or just staying up really late, but all in all it was a fun day!

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