Saturday, January 3, 2009


E.D. surprised me for part of my Christmas and took me to see Phantom of the Opera in San Francisco. My parents watched the girls for us and we spent the night away. The show was in the afternoon, so we went expecting to check into our hotel early and get dressed up and take our time to get there. Funny how things work out, we didn't quite get on the road when we were supposed to, stopping at Target to buy me a scarf to go with my new dress, and stopping to sell a wii on the way out of town, we also hit traffic across the Bay bridge, and we're looking for the wrong theatre that put us there at 2:05 (show started at 2:00). Everything put aside, the show was amazing and we had a blast together! It was something I will never forget, and look at it this way, I still have a pretty dress for him to take me out again! Before coming home, we went to the Asia Art Muesuem (got a little culture) and did some shopping in Vacaville!


Lisa said...

So fun Mary! I'm so jealous! I've always wanted to see Phantom!

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Ryan Reuther said...

Sounds awesome!!! hope you guys are doing well!!! Tell ED hi for me!!!